Wednesday, January 26, 2011

one of those days

So today i thought hey why not be nice since its sunny. Well take Baby for a ride on the bus. All day she's just being having full on tantrums like usually we go out and I can calm her down. Not today. Even this morning before we left just screaming her head off. We were in one shop and she just cried to I put her down to cry. People were looking at me like wtf. But seriously there is only so much that any human being can take. Its like she's hit the terrible twos and she's not even two yet. urgh what am I going to do with her. Even right now she came to me with a pen so I get her some paper to do some drawing, but no she just wants to throw it on the floor and try and bite me. Anyone have ideas on how to calm her down. They would be greatly appreciated. =)

p.s i got my glasses today, so thats one thing off my list already

Saturday, January 15, 2011

diretts WORLD 2.0

I thought id start up a whole new blog,
last year is done and dusted and its time for a new start

single mother

things to do this year
get glasses
get car
get restricted

comment as you wish